Product Videography
Attention-grabbing, polished product videography to captivate your customers.
Our Brisbane videography services are your gateway to elevating your brand's visual presence. We focus on capturing the essence of your products, delivering stunning visuals that captivate your audience. With meticulous attention to detail and a creative approach, we bring your vision to life, showcasing your products in the most compelling way.
From product demos to promotional videos, we offer a range of solutions tailored to your needs. Contact Creatir today and unlock the power of professional videography for your business. Elevate your brand and stand out from the competition.
*The prices below exclude GST (10%).
The Bronze
1 x 30-Second to 1-Minute Clip
Video Shooting & Editing
Audio Sourcing
Travel Included
Price - $450.00
The Silver
2 x 30-Second to 1-Minute Clip
Video Shooting & Editing
Audio Sourcing
Travel Included
Price - $800.00
The Gold
4 x 30-Second to 1-Minute Clip
Video Shooting & Editing
Audio Sourcing
Travel Included